On September 27, the Leal Rios Foundation and the Serralves Foundation signed a contract that defines the conditions of the deposit of 287 artworks of the Leal Rios collection at Serralves Museum. A conversation between Philippe Vergne, Director of the Serralves Museum, and Miguel Leal Rios took place at the Museum´s library highlighting the importance of the collaboration between the two institutions.
In addition to the deposit, the Leal Rios Foundation donated to Serralves four works by the artists Nicolas Milhé Meurtrière, Benoît-Marie Moriceau, Vasco Araújo and Francisco Tropa.
This contract is an important step for the Leal Rios Foundation as it allows it to integrate part of its collection in the universe of the Serralves Museum, the most influential contemporary art museum in Portugal. Due to Serralves´s scale and international projection, the Leal Rios Foundation is sure that this deposit will substantially expand its capacity to fulfill its mission: to promote its collection and the artists it represents.
Este contrato é um marco importante na Fundação Leal Rios por permitir integrar parte da sua coleção no universo do Museu de Serralves, o museu de referência de arte contemporânea de Portugal, que pela sua escla e projeção, nacional e internacional, possibilitará alargar substancialmente a esfera de promoção desta coleção e dos artistas nela representados, indo assim ao encontro da missão da Fundação.